Top-Rated Birth Injury Lawyers in Seattle

The physical trauma that accompanies many birth injuries can be devastating and leave life-altering effects. Oftentimes, these injuries are the result of medical malpractice and can be prevented. While there are some factors that cannot be controlled, such as a woman’s genes and underlying health issues, doctors can assess risk and act with care to minimize complications. If you or someone you love has suffered a Top-rated birth injury lawyer in Seattle due to the negligence of healthcare professionals, it is crucial that you seek legal representation immediately. Top-rated birth injury lawyers in Seattle can help you build a strong case and secure the compensation you need for your recovery.

A birth injury is any type of injury that an infant sustains before, during, or after delivery. These injuries are a form of medical malpractice that can be caused by the negligence of a doctor, nurse, or other healthcare professional during childbirth.

While most birth injury claims focus on the fetus, the mother can also suffer serious harm when physicians fail to take the proper measures during labor and delivery. For example, a physician should recognize signs of preeclampsia and deliver the baby via C-section when necessary. Failing to do so can lead to life-threatening complications for both the mother and child.

Difficult or Prolonged Labor

A difficult or prolonged labor is one of the most common factors that contribute to birth injuries. This can include obstructed and breech deliveries, which may involve a baby’s shoulder being stuck in the birth canal or a spinal cord injury to the neck (brachial plexus). Other risks include oxygen deprivation and infections from medications or bacterial exposure during pregnancy and labor.

When a child has a severe birth injury, they might require specialized care for the rest of their lives. This can include medical treatment and therapy for lingering effects like permanent disability or chronic pain and discomfort. It is also possible that a severe birth injury will cause a delay in the development of a child’s motor and cognitive skills, resulting in a diminished quality of life for them and their family.

A lawyer can help you file a birth injury claim to recover damages for the current and future costs of your child’s medical treatment, ongoing therapy, and other related expenses. An experienced lawyer can review the circumstances of your child’s injury and build a strong case against the negligent medical professionals responsible for the injuries. A skilled medical malpractice attorney can also use their knowledge of state and federal laws to prove that your child’s injuries were preventable and that the presiding physician failed to uphold the standard of care required of them during birth. For more information, contact the skilled birth injury attorneys at Johnson Flora Sprangers, PLLC, in Seattle. They have over 40 years of experience addressing these claims and have secured multimillion-dollar settlements for their clients. They work with medical experts to determine if your child’s injuries could have been prevented had the presiding physician acted appropriately during delivery.

Moseley Collins Law
701 5th Ave Suite 4200
Seattle, WA 98104